Mind-altering drugs have inspired many artists and visionaries - from H.R. Giger to Steve Jobs. For these creative talents, getting high was all about altering one's perspective to open his or her mind. For me, getting high has nothing at all to do with drugs (I've never done them), but rather my new addiction to drone photography.
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There are a lot of things to think about when you put your eye to the viewfinder of you camera - Shutter speed, ISO, aperture, autofocus or manual focus, single shot or burst mode, etc., etc.
But for all the settings a photographer must get correct to create a striking image, none of them matter without the proper foundations of composition. A properly exposed but poorly composed photograph is still a poor photograph.
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When I release the shutter on my camera, I have a very specific vision of the image I'm trying to create. And when I capture an image I'm proud of, the next step is bringing it to life through various printing and mounting processes so the image hanging on the wall matches the vision I had when I captured it.
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Photographers are accustomed to aiming for the sweet spot of the "Golden Hour" - the hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset - to make their best photos. The light is gorgeous and makes your subjects pop.
And while shooting under ideal conditions can often lead to the best photographs, it's important to remember never to pass up an opportunity, even if the conditions aren't exactly favorable.
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The surf was up this weekend in Narragansett, R.I., and I knew there would be a good opportunity to get some action shots of the local wave riders. I headed out to an easily accessible surf spot with one of the better breaks in the area hoping to get some nice shots in the Golden Hour.
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Summer time in New England can't be beat when it comes to the weather, and there are countless opportunities to create amazing photographs. But as the summer gives way to fall and the humidity gives way to crisp air, new opportunities arise on land, sea and sky.
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"Write what you know" is a well-known maxim encouraging authors to draw upon their experience to infuse their writing with authenticity. "Shoot what you know" could be considered an equally important bit of advice for photographers.
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